WPS Cookie Consent: Secure GDPR Compliance Plugin

WPS Cookie Consent, a powerful WordPress plugin, serves as a cornerstone for cookie consent and GDPR privacy protection on your website. In this article, we’ll delve into its features, customization options, and the importance of fostering user trust through privacy compliance.

Plugin De WPS Cookie

Plugin Overview

Plugin Type: WordPress Plugin
Documentation: Fully Documented
WordPress Version: 4.7 or higher
PHP Version: 5.6 or higher

Pricing Options

Embrace a limited-time offer with pricing plans tailored to your needs. Alternatively, unlock Full Access, an exclusive package featuring all WP-Script products at a discounted rate.

Visual Examples

Get inspired by visual examples showcasing cookie consent customization with various themes. Witness firsthand how WPS Cookie Consent seamlessly integrates and enhances your website’s aesthetics.

Main Features

Notification Bar

  • Request confirmation from visitors about understanding cookie usage on your site.

Shape and Position

  • Choose display preferences: a box at the bottom left/right or a full-width bar at the bottom.


  • Customize the bar and consent button’s color and transparency.

Edit Content

  • Tailor text for consent sentences, buttons, information links, and privacy protection.

More Information

  • Display an info link beside the consent button with customizable text and URL.

Privacy Protection

  • Highlight a privacy protection link, customizable in text, popup content, and color (light or dark).


  • Seamlessly integrates with any WordPress theme, automatically displaying a notification bar upon activation.

Free Support

  • Enjoy complimentary support and contribute suggestions to improve the plugin further.

WPS Cookie Consent

🚀 Call to Action: Activate WPS Cookie Consent Now!

Enhance your website’s GDPR compliance and user trust. Customize cookie consent seamlessly for a secure online environment. Explore the plugin and prioritize user privacy today!


WPS Cookie Consent empowers your website with robust GDPR compliance, ensuring user privacy and trust. Activate it now to customize cookie consent seamlessly and foster a secure online environment. Explore the plugin and take a step towards a privacy-centric user experience.

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